I am a grandmother of five small children, four living and one who died. In the year 2021 my grandson was born still and our world changed forever.
Here you will find links on Still Birth, Memory Boxes, family rooms and more:
SiMBA provide Family rooms, Memory boxes, Trees of Tranquility and Support Groups. These include a Facebook closed group for grandparents with a monthly zoom. https://www.simbacharity.org.uk/
Sands, the stillbirth and neonatal death charity. Lots of support here. https://www.sands.org.uk/
Tommy’s Together for every baby. https://www.tommys.org/
And I have just discovered this one with a directory of support organizations: https://www.stillbirthsupport.co.uk/directory/
Petals the Babyloss Counselling Charity has a brand new support group on Facebook for Grandparents: https://petalscharity.org/news-petalsgrandparents
I honour my family and thank them for allowing me to be part of this deep soul journey. You have changed my world forever. Thank you.
Granny Carole oxo