Oh my goodness, so many books here!
I would suggest starting with Nick Duffell and Joy Schaverian and head to the BSS-Support page; then go from there. I try to limit my buying so use my wonderful Cornish Library, who will often buy books I request. Then if they really speak to me (or I want to scribble in them) I buy them to lend out.
Why not glance down and see if any resonate with you.
THE MAKING OF THEM: The British Attitude to Children and the Boarding School System by Nick Duffell. www.boardingschoolsurvivors.co.uk
ALSO BY NICK DUFFELL: Wounded Leaders: the Psycho-history of British Elitism and the Entitlement Illusion. http://woundedleaders.co.uk
BOARDING SCHOOL SYNDROME, THE PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA OF THE “PRIVILEGED” CHILD by Joy Schaverien June 2015. www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415690034/
DOES THERAPY WORK by Jane Barclay, therapist and ex-boarder.
Many excellent research papers and videos ON THE AFFECTS OF BOARDING SCHOOL https://www.bss-support.org.uk/
FROM PAIN TO VIOLENCE: THE TRAUMATIC ROOTS OF DESTRUCTIVENESS by Felicity de Zulueta I heard Felicity speak at a Conference where I first “heard” the word trauma in childhood.
BREATH by James Nestor, The New Science of a Lost Art. Linking all the spiritual and medical knowledge of the deep transformational breathing that can heal.
WALKING the TIGER, Healing Trauma by Peter Levine with Ann Frederick. At a recent ACA retreat I found myself shaking out my triggered feelings just as Levine speaks about. traumahealing.org
CHILDREN OF THE RAJ by Vyvyen Brendon
BLACK RAINBOWS by Rachel Kelly www.blackrainbow.org.uk
RISING GROUND, A SEARCH FOR THE SPIRIT OF PLACE by Philip Marsden. This book really speaks to me about my search and that sense of place. philipmarsden.co.uk
SHADOW OF THE STONE HEART, a search for manhood by Richard Olivier
UNROOTED CHILDHOODS, Memoirs of growing up global by Faith Eidse and Nina Sichel, Editors
THE DRAMA OF BEING A CHILD: The search for the true self by Alice Miller. Very interesting how if we have a childhood filled with drama we unconsciously look for it in adulthood. Hm … !
WARMING THE STONE CHILD Audio CD by Clarissa Pinkola Estés Myths and stories about Abandonment and the Unmothered Child.
THE WISDOM OF FORGIVENESS: intimate conversations and journeys by HH the Dalai Lama and Victor Chan.
THE BOOK OF FORGIVING by Desmond and Mpho Tutu The Fourfold path for healing ourselves and our world.
NO ENEMY TO CONQUER: forgiveness in an unforgiving world by Michael Henderson.
SEX, LOVE AND THE DANGERS OF INTIMACY: A guide to passionate relationships when the “honeymoon” is over by Nick Duffnell and Helena Lovendal. Written some years ago now.
EMERGING WOMAN by Natalie Rogers I love this way of using art to heal. www.nrogers.com
THE CREATIVE CONNECTION, Expressive Arts as Healing by Natalie Rogers
BLACK RAINBOW: how words healed me: my journey through depression by Rachel Kelly. This is an incredible read and was in our Cornish library!
PEACEFUL LIVING, Daily Meditations for Living with Love, Healing and Compassion by Mary Mackenzie. Based on Non Violent Communication (NVC) this is a lovely morning read.
THE SELF BEHIND THE SYMPTOM, How shadow voices heal us by Judith Hendin.
OPEN THE DOOR, a Journey to the True Self by Joyce Rupp (borrowed from our library, and then bought a copy so I can work through the exercises)
REASONS TO STAY ALIVE by Matt Haig You may have read his Midnight Library which I absolutely loved.
REWILD YOURSELF, Becoming Nature by Rachel Corby
TATTERED AND MENDED, The Art of Healing the Wounded Soul (this sounds like me) by Cynthia Ruchti
THE BETRAYAL BOND, breaking free of exploitative relationships by Patrick J. Carnes
Preface by Sue Fitzmaurice
THE CREATIVE ART OF LIVING, DYING & RENEWAL by Elise Dirlam Ching & Kaleo Ching
CARE OF THE SOUL, how to add depth and meaning to your everyday life by Thomas Moore
and of course THE BODY KEEPS THE SCORE by Bessel Van Der Kolk
EMOTIONAL AGILITY by Susan David. Excellent. https://www.susandavid.com/
FRUGALITY FOR DEPRESSIVES (or ME/low energy). Easy read by Abigail Perry with good tips on balancing our energies (and budget).
BREAKING THE HABIT OF BEING YOURSELF, How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Looks good tho’ may be a bit academic for me! IF ONLY … Finding Freedom from Regret by Robert L. Leah, PhD. In my pile to read and definitely something to work on!
GET YOURSELF FREE, Change your life with the gentle alchemy of Conscious Emotional Tranformation by Dr. Lisa Turner, scientist and therapist. Reading now, amaZing! https://cetfreedom.com/
And lots more! With so many books published on the subject of healing our childhoods (or ancestral trauma too) and with Science harmonizing with the Eastern philosophies and therapeutic research, I guess I am comforted knowing I am not alone! We can change our adult behaviours, phew! Time now to return the pile to my library and start practicing some of what they preach!