Tamalpa Expressive Arts

With the Tamalpa Life Art Process being such an important part of my life these past 12 years I am adding the Tamalpa Institute websites for you to peruse yourself.   With so much now known about “how the body keeps the score” and the evidence of movement and the arts in healing, I share this wonderful process with you now.

The Tamalpa Institute in the UK:  https://tamalpa-uk.org/

Tamalpa USA:  https://www.tamalpa.org/

State Theta Galleries is near Edinburgh and run by Tamalpa Managing and Programme Director, Audicia Lynne Morley.   https://www.statetheta.com/

Then there’s also Jamie McHugh in California who will in fact be in Devon this May 2023, yay!  http://www.naturebeingart.org/

And the wonderful Adriana Marchione also in California and on zoom, who works with those artists in drug and alcohol addiction.  Her film project born out of her own recovery from alcoholism    https://art-cures.com/



Tamalpa Self-portrait Performance Ritual 2012.  Photos permission of Natasha Saltzer.